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A Total Health Approach  


What natural methods have been used/are working with Carling (previously) and Colton (currently)?

Diane and John are very pleased to hear about all the advances in medical research that are taking place. However, they see chemical therapies as only one of the avenues to stop the progress of NCL and bring about regeneration in the children who are affected by it. They see energy medicine, a holistic approach that works with the electrical system of the body, as another viable approach to keeping their children healthy and restoring their bodies.

Diane describes their work as “The Onion Approach”. Working minute-by-minute to identify the issues needing attention, she responds to them with the best tools she has at the time. As the family and their support team peel back the layers of the issue, they get to its core and find the holistic solutions that work best for their children.

Here are some of the modalities that are working for the Gill children:

The naturopathic doctor (ND) is the cornerstone of the treatment the children have been receiving. The children have weekly or bi-weekly appointments with the ND in which she focuses on the most pressing issue of the week. She prescribes homeopathic remedies, botanicals, herbal tinctures, vitamins and other health supplements, and makes recommendations about the children’s’ nutrition. In addition, the naturopath uses cranial-sacral massage to relax or stimulate stressed areas of the central nervous system.

The ND also offers a welcome perspective on day-to-day activities. For example, when Colton was age 4, he was beginning to bite others as well as his own personal belongings. Some health practitioners suggested behaviour modification strategies. The ND said, “Get him a biting toy – a strong one! The TMJ point on his jaw is jammed and he needs to help loosen it up.” Sure enough, a biting toy alleviated the problem and Diane and John now know to focus on the tightness in Colton’s jaw whenever he starts to bite.

A bio-computer operating system (B.O.S.) practitioner practices specializes kinesiology, helping to clear the body‘s energy blockages so that a person’s inborn healing potential can be fully expressed.

This energy-harmonizing technique works with the body’s electrical system, rather than its biochemical system, and is non-invasive. A system of filters is placed on the body and the body’s reaction to the filters (bio-feedback) determines which blockages are to be addressed and in which priority.

For example, after a major seizure, both Carling and Colton generally need to have their laterality (right and left brain connection) realigned. Also, after exposure to paint, or perfumes, a detoxification of chemicals seems to help. Regular drug detoxes are also done so that the organs which are most stressed by the children’s anti-seizure drugs (kidneys and liver) are not as severely affected.

A chiropractor is a trained practitioner who works with the spine’s vertebrae to ensure the optimal positioning. This impacts on the connecting nerves’ ability to function properly. Carling and Colton have two chiropractors. Both use a gentle technique of adjusting (not cracking). One of the chiropractors specializes in using laser chiropractic – and works with the Chinese medicine acupuncture points using laser therapy to enhance chiropractic adjustments made using an activator.

Chiropractic appointments help keep the spine aligned – which is important as they are moved by others a lot, and can easily develop misalignments which impact their overall health. Diane and John also receive regular adjustments as they are lifting and carrying the children and need to keep their backs strong.

Whenever Colton’s current respiratory picture changes (less Oxygen saturation, or is some difficulty breathing)… a trip to the chiropractor helps realign the key cervical points which really make a big difference!

In addition, Diane has trained to acquire skills that allow her to support her children:

Channeling is a method of connecting with a person’s spirit to communicate or get information. The technique is a learned skill. It is particularly helpful with non-verbal children, and allows for a more respectful basis of care. For example, instead of assuming the source of distress if a child is crying, it is possible to check in with the child and ask him or her to explain the source of stress. (This happened once when Colton was in great pain. Diane thought it was constipation or bowel issues… when she checked with Colton, he indicated she should bring him to the chiropractor. This practitioner immediately corrected Colton’s pelvis which had a very large misalignment. Within 10 minutes Colton was at ease and comfortable)

Medical Intuition is another tool of supplementary insight regarding health. It is not a healing modality, rather it is a tool to provide an accurate portrait of what is going on in a child’s body. No information is requested without consent of the person involved. Diane completed a 150-hour training course, in order to assist her in listening to her children’s bodies as they change with this disorder. If they can point out clues and links which can be corrected by trained practitioners before they become major obstacles, then health is gained.

B.O.S., as described above, allows Diane to clear energy blockages. She currently makes regular BOS adjustments on her children to assist them in healing themselves, and overcome health obstacles. Diane has completed four of the five segment requirements for certification in the B.O.S. course offered by the Steele Health Cente in Guelph, Ontario.

Bioenergetic operating system (B.E.S.) is an offshoot of the B.O.S. training. It specializes in the emotional connection which underlies a body’s physiological well-being. Using the same methods and tools as B.O.S., the B.E.S. system allows the body to release emotional blockages which are no longer serving the body’s health. Diane completed the B.E.S. training under Karin Cremasco in Guelph, Ontario.

www.thewinning --*-- E.mail: Diane Wilson --*-- 2005